Occupational Health and Safety
Health and safety of our employees comes first among our company’s strategic sustainability priorities. The common and only goal of all our people and departments in charge of occupational safety is to attain zero occupational accidents and diseases.
We implement “The 10 Golden Rules of Occupational Safety” we identified to prevent employee injuries across all our sites. There have not been any fatal accidents in any of our sites or sub-contractors UpToDate.
Policy and Management System
Kordsa Occupational Health & Safety, Environment & Sustainability (OHSES) Policy, which is applicable across all our sites, is reviewed and updated every three years. This policy, which is approved by our CEO and including our commitments, is associated with the ISO 45001-2018 (former OHSAS 18001) Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Our Occupational Health and Safety Management System covers our employees and our subcontractors.
All employees are responsible for their own and their fellow colleagues’ occupational safety. It is the CEO and the Chief Operating Officer, who bear the responsibility for occupational safety on behalf of the management. It is the Global SHE Manager, who is responsible for the coordination. Each site’s management is responsible for SHE implementations at their locations. Total number of employees at SHE Departments of our global sites is 35.
Performance Indicators
Occupational safety targets range from strategic to individual and are evaluated by the Kordsa Performance Evaluation System. Occupational safety performance of each site is evaluated based on free injury hours, severity rate, frequency rate, PSRM (Process Safety and Risk Management) and SHE’s leading indicators.
Monitoring Mechanisms
Mechanisms used to monitor the effectiveness of the company’s management approach are; internal occupational safety inspections, external ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 Management Systems certification audits, TPM SHE Pillar Committee and insurer audits, second-party occupational safety inspections across companies of Kordsa, and performance benchmarks between our own sites. We issue monthly global OHS reports to communicate our performance.
At Kordsa sites, we take all the precautionary actions to manage the risks of potential occupational hazards. For example, employees working in areas where hazardous chemicals are used are subject to periodic medical screening at the Occupational Diseases Hospital depending on the chemicals used and the working conditions. In order to identify early on the potential effects of chemicals, medical screening is done annually. During these screenings, we have not identified any occupational diseases on any of our employees.
We have Management-Worker Health and Safety Committees in all our facilities with the same operating structure. The total workforce represented in these committees is 100%. Committees at each site includes site manager, line manager, production engineer-supervisor, clinic, and part of union.