Compliance Management
Kordsa, closely monitors increasingly stringent regulatory expectations, global trends, new approaches and developments in compliance.
The objectives and targets of compliance management are based on ensuring that the company and its affiliates operate in compliance with the local and international legislation and standards as well as the internal policies and procedures. We realize all our domestic and international operations and transactions in line with national and international law, and provide accurate, complete and clear information to the official bodies and institutions in a timely manner. In this regard, we implement several internal policies and procedures governing the compliance management including but not limited to Kordsa Code of Business Ethics.
Global Legal and Compliance Department, which is responsible for the compliance management of our company, closely monitors all developments in order to ensure 100% compliance with applicable legislation and regulations and regularly informs our employees and executives about the relevant developments. In addition, we periodically provide trainings in order to increase the internal compliance culture and raise the awareness level of our employees.
We are aware that the feedback of our employees and stakeholders is crucial in order for the compliance culture to be in continuous enhancement. Therefore, we provide various online and face-to-face trainings and briefings so that our employees and stakeholders can express their thoughts and concerns about compliance without hesitation.
Relations with Our Business Partners
Since compliance with laws and regulations requires cooperation with our business partners, our relations with our business partners has an important role in our compliance program. In this regard, Kordsa Code of Business Ethics, which we expect our business partners to comply with, is implemented as a part of all our contracts including but not limited to our general terms and conditions for sales and purchases. Likewise, we require our business partners to act in accordance with the Kordsa Human Rights Policy as per our agreements in place with them.
Competition Law
Being aware of our responsibilities against our competitors and stakeholders, we are committed to globally committed to free and fair competition in compliance with all laws and regulations in force in relevant countries where we operate and attach great importance to compliance with competition laws.
In this regard, we have implemented Kordsa Competition Law Policy, Kordsa Competition Law Compliance Guidelines and secondary documents supporting compliance with competition law in order to ensure compliance with competition law in our activities and transactions. In addition, we provide competition law training to all our employees at least once a year.
Competition compliance is also closely monitored and given importance by our top management. In this context, in order to assess the awareness level of our employees on competition law and to proactively identify competition law risks, an annual Competition Compliance Assessment Report is prepared and shared with our top management by Global Legal and Compliance Department.
Sanctions and Export Controls
Operating in several countries, we attach great importance to compliance with complex trade sanctions and export control laws and regulations, which basically prohibits the import, export or re‑export of certain products to or from certain countries or parties. We ensure compliance with such sanctions and export controls in accordance with our internal policies and procedures which are prepared in line with the policies and procedures issued by H.Ö. Sabancı Holding A.Ş. on sanctions and export controls.
Protection of Personal Data
We carry out all necessary activities with regards to compliance with the regulations on the protection of personal data in the countries in which we operate including but not limited to the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“PDPL”) and secondary regulations.
Compliance with PDPL and secondary regulations as well as other applicable data privacy laws is an essential part of Kordsa’s compliance activities. In this regard, the PDPL Committee continues to follow the best practices observed in the industry to keep up with the new developments, offer company‑wide guidance and implement security measures in collaboration with the relevant departments.
Information Security
Being aware of the fact that information is one of the most valuable assets for our company and our stakeholders, we, as Kordsa, ensure the highest level of compliance with all applicable information security regulations, and are proud to be the first company in our sector to be qualified for the ISO 27001 Information Security Management System certificate.