Message from the Chairman
Dear stakeholders,
At Sabancı Holding, we define our vision as the “Sabancı of the New Generation”, two key pillars of which are technology and digitalization. Kordsa, one of our Industrial Group companies, is distinguished as an exemplary company in this area.
Kordsa is expanding its global footprint every day with its strategic dynamic portfolio management and high technology-oriented investments. The Company continues its journey successfully as a global player in the industries of the future and blends organic and inorganic growth strategies to aid its organic growth. Within this strategic context, in line with its growth strategy in the field of high value-added composite technologies, Kordsa acquired the US-based manufacturers of advanced technology structural parts, Fabric Development and Textile Products. Following these two acquisitons, the Company acquired Advanced Honeycomb, which produces internal parts, and created new growth platform in North America, the hub of the aerospace industry. In 2019, Kordsa became the worldwide qualified manufacturer in the high temperature resistant Oxide-Oxide ceramic composite market used in aircraft engines with the acquisiton of Axiom Materials, providing advanced composite technologies for the next generation industrial and transportation applications, as well as the aerospace industry. Today, Kordsa is the supplier of the world's giants, operating in 5 countries with 12 production facilities, producing advanced material technologies on a global scale.
Kordsa, expanding its competencies and area of operation, continues to make steady breakthroughs as an innovation leader. Being aware that value-added and sustainable growth is only possible by making a technological difference, Kordsa innovates more efficient and sustainable reinforcing technologies reshaping the industry standards with its “We are inspired to reinforce life” vision.
With this mindset, Kordsa, focusing on thin films and flexible electronics, smart materials of the new digital era, launched the “Thin Films and Flexible Electronics” R&D Platform in partnership with Sabancı University.
Today, bearing in mind that companies should not rely only on economic sustainability, we also consider the environmental and social impacts of all our operations, products and services. Therefore, Kordsa aims to create sustainable value for all its stakeholders, especially its employees and customers. Kordsa produces more efficient and most importantly environmentally-friendly technologies that facilitate life in its three areas of activity, as well as investing in environmental sustainability projects in biodiversity, occupational health, climate change, sustainable energy, efficient use of natural resources, waste reduction and reuse, and acts to reinforce the sustainable future based on Sabancı Group Code of Business Ethics.
I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to all our stakeholders that accompany Kordsa's growth journey; to Kordsa reinforcers who are the secret accelerators of our business, and to our business partners, customers and shareholders who are always there in rain or shine. By focusing on sustainability, technology and innovation we will continue to transform, improve and achieve new successes with their valuable support.
Cevdet Alemdar
Sabancı Holding
Industry Group President